City of Las Vegas - 500 S. Main Parking Garage
Las Vegas, NV
5 Stories , 730 spaces
AIA Nevada Merit Award, Built Category, 2016
NAIOP S. Nevada Merit Award, Community Impact, 2013
Our goal for the City of Las Vegas Main Street Garage was to bring art to the Main Street corridor and enhance the new City Hall Building. Metaphors for the new City Hall include waterfalls and the stratification of earth. Metaphorically, as the City Hall is the “waterfall,” the new garage is the “stream.” A façade of horizontal architectural aluminum visually ties the 500 South Main Garage to City Hall – in texture, pattern orientation and color – so that the garage is easily recognized to “belong” to the City Hall complex. In addition, landscape hardscape, lighting, and signage elements are coordinated with City Hall and the City’s Centennial Plan to create an integrated streetscape.