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LEED Gold.png

US DOE Southern Nevada Support Facility


North Las Vegas, NV

168,000 s.f.



1999 AIA Arizona Citation Award
1999 Arizona Public Service Energy Award
1999 NAIOP Honor Award
1998 SW Contractor Outstanding Architecture Design
1998 SW Contractor Outstanding Concrete Project
1998 SW Contractor Outstanding Public Project
1997 SW Contractor Top Nevada Project
1997 AIA Nevada Honor Award
1994 AIA Arizona Citation Award

The DOE’s goal was to provide a flexible office that can be reconfigured as needs arise and redefine its culture from a windowless and restricted closed office environment, to an environment that nurtures the individual with daylight and views in a team setting. This was accomplished by co-locating all building service components outside the basic open office areas, which allows for a continuous and unobstructed floor plate with under-floor duct, power, and communication infrastructure and a modular zoned HVAC distribution system. The facility also includes a 350 seat multimedia conference center and a three level security system. In association with SmithGroup.

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