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Zappos Headquarters


Las Vegas, NV

300,000 SF



Carpenter Sellers Del Gatto Architects completed the transformation and remodel of the former City of Las Vegas City Hall into the dynamic Zappos Headquarters. Covering 300,000 square feet, the project involved extensive interior renovations and enhancements to the base building, comprised of structures dating from the 1950s to 2000. The design task was to modernize these buildings to accommodate Zappos' innovative, tech-savvy, and youthful culture. The primary aim was to create spaces intentionally designed for collisions and collaboration while creating an interior space that resonates with the company's distinctive corporate culture and fosters productivity.

The functional workspace reflects the Zappos' 10 Core Values:
1. Deliver WOW Through Service
2. Embrace and Drive Change
3. Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
4. Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
5. Pursue Growth and Learning
6. Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
7. Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
8. Do More With Less
9. Be Passionate and Determined
10. Be Humble

The Campus was guided by innovative principles, including the concept of "Serendipity"- fostering interaction across departments through different levels in the context of work-related activities and social interaction. "Density- Mobility and Collaboration" was another key principle, incorporating indoor-outdoor spaces, impromptu gathering spaces, and deliberately designed collaboration and private solo workspaces. Lastly, "Adaptability and Creativity" was a crucial principle, creating a raw canvas to adapt workspaces to changing needs rapidly, drastically, and effectively.

This project is LEED Gold Certified.

The 25 Coolest Offices of the 100 Best Companies -, Fortune, March 31, 2015
Zappos Earns LEED Gold Certification, May 16, 2014
The New Zappos Downtown Las Vegas Headquarters, December 16, 2013
Zappos Injecting New Life Into Las Vegas Downtown, ENR Southwwest, January 28, 2013

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